Thursday, September 18, 2014

The French had no choice but to demand change, and in the meantime deal yourself.

Described in the previous foam density section "standard" Adrian is, in my humble opinion, the nicest to look at. The delicate shape and a sophisticated color feel the hand of the artist. Without a doubt, the first copies perfectly fit the idealized image of a French soldier. Surely such a picture liked generals and newspaper readers. Poilu, however, had this issue somewhat different opinion foam density ... Anyway, not the first and not the last time what looks great for bureaucrats and theorists, just does not meet the expectations of the final consumer, or user. It was no different in the case of our hero.
There is no doubt that the soldiers very quickly appreciated the benefits of helmet - diminished them from the trenches getting slower. They saw but also its drawbacks, and the most visible of them - in the literal sense of the word - was varnish, which were covered with shards of steel. Blue, shiny Adrian presented foam density a great, shining in the sun, like a spinner in a muddy pond. Quickly appreciated that the German snipers ...
The French had no choice but to demand change, and in the meantime deal yourself. "Developed" method as much simple as effective - enough foam density to take a handful of mud, which everywhere was full, and rub it on his helmet. Obtained in this way a very good camouflage, matching structure and color to the surrounding environment. At least until the first rain ... After the whole procedure had to be repeated quite quickly, because little things attracted the eyes of the enemy in the same way as wet helmet in full sun. Unfortunately, unlike the soldiers, dirty casque did not like the manager. And it was not only about the aesthetic side. It was feared that - in the event of a puncture wound of the helmet and the head - very easy to come to extensive infection *. It was decided foam density to reach for a more permanent solution.
Introduced much earlier helmets kirasjerskie French or German pikielhauby, also shone like bait. Remedied this by introducing covers (couvre). Even those colors not quite camouflage, definitely limited risk of detection soldier. foam density For the helmet wz.15 allocated covers of raw cotton in the color light blue (at least at the time of delivery), but very often there were copies made in a different color, for example. Khaki, beige or gray. Generally, were made of two parts, but can meet and four-part. The vast majority of covers is provided with a retractable cord under the rim of his helmet, but are known variants with several hooks. There were also individualists-aesthetes who cover dismantled imposing sign, then placing it on the material. In the field, in the absence of regulatory couvre-casque advised himself, adopting all kinds of available materials (eg. Sheets foam density for the winter, jute sacks), though it must be admitted that the supply system acted in this matter very smoothly. At the factory originals can sometimes foam density see seals individuals. Soldiers used covers very keen, as seen in many photos of the era.
It was decided to darker shade of blue. Helmets in color gris gris bleu aka mat formed at the factory, but very soon to work also took workshops, field przemalowując previously produced items (usually only from the outside, leaving the original interior). Choosing foam density this just paint may seem surprising, especially after two years of fighting. The more that already in October 1915. gen. Joffre opted for the introduction of khaki or mustard. However, foam density it seems that once again blame the tradition, since moutarde of that same period foam density was reserved for African troops that przemalowywały their helmets just in these colors.
Only at the end of the Great War in the French Army introduced new uniforms in khaki color, which came into force also on their helmets (including helmets troops foam density from Africa). Currently, mustard-colored helmets are, because of their small number and the legend that accreted around their previous owners, sought-after object to the collection. What else from Adrianami in khaki - which in turn are treated somewhat neglect, due almost impossible to distinguish copies foam density from the period of Grande Guerre from repainted for the purpose of mobilization on the eve of WWII.
Copies are known Adrianów painted with special kamo in the form of colored spots. These are very rare helmets that are not visible in the pictures of the era, it is conceivable that arose after the IWS. In any case, this way of masking has not taken off in the French army.
In some situations, the use of the helmet does not mean, however, about camouflage, and even with just the opposite - the highest possible visibility. This was basically only medical services foam density that were protected by all kinds of international agreements (but you know - the steel is at war armor surer than a piece of paper ...). In this case the helmet p

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