Monday, December 9, 2013

5 cards in ne card case, or individually, depending on the value. If no letter is just thin cardboa

Alsooo, basically I have no problems with the packaging of cards. Up to 6 cards you can still get so loose flaky with shells and all in a letter, but from then on we go. For larger quantities of cards, so 15 cards for example ... as you packed? I would first take a bubble envelope and stuck each 3 cards in an envelope. But here we go: a) What is the best fixed in a padded envelope? b) What is the situation with additional protection stamp? A piece of cardboard for example. c) Card Packs (á 3 cards) above / next to each other? How do you do it? Ps: It's not that I have problems in packaging, I am only a sample solution or something uniform. Mfg.
5 cards in ne card case, or individually, depending on the value. If no letter is just thin cardboard (block back zb) together make the cards in the envelopes on fixierenŽ, from the other side also NEN cardboard over it, and the whole thing with NEN few layers of glue tape. Fixing in the envelope for letters, no matter what size, I do, in which I take very simple inexpensive tape that hinfummele so that it is quasi double-sided, and do it between cardboard and envelope, kraft paper looks ugly, but it works.
For larger quantities of cards, so 15 cards for example ... as you packed? So I pack 4 cards each in a transparent envelope, the value increases to a stable 3 + a card (as protection, Swamp and co). These cases I glue each top with adhesive tape (including paper, so the cards do not get stuck to the adhesive tape to the top edge) together, kraft paper 2-3 card packs. This I put it next to horizontally / vertically on a sheet of A4 paper and fold this together over the map packs. if there are too many cards as they fit into such a A4 sheet I would be just more. I glue these mini packets even on both sides together and stick them in a normal envelope with transparent tape. a) What is the best fixed in a padded kraft paper envelope? kA, never used, I never needed until now / nobody wanted. b) What is the situation kraft paper with additional protection stamp? A piece of cardboard kraft paper for example. Just described above, in A4 Paier "wrap", then nothing should happen actually. c) Card Packs (á 3 cards) above / next to each other? so, a maximum of 2 side by side on an A4 and 2-3 over each other. How do you do it? so Ps: It's not that I have problems in packaging, I am only a sample solution or something uniform. But something would be boring if I buy as cards, I am always curious to see how they were packaged (I once get envelope with loose card in it, something horrible) and whether bonus cards are included. Is just not optimum, only minimum standards as set and stamp Protection + cases.
Yes, that is any different veroackt clear, but that each vendor has his own principle of boxing's place also. So I always repack normal amounts in the same way my reviews have taught me that it matters. So I am satisfied and have an optimal way of packing found for me. For larger quantities, I have just not been collected so much experience. Thanks for the replies! kraft paper Mfg.
In Luftpolsterumschlag one must just fix the extent that the cards do not slip out of the shells. Otherwise, the messenger kraft paper would already do pretty ruthless things with delivery to damage any cards, and solely to prevent damage, is yes operated at all the "effort".
If there are many cards are starting around 6 and more one can no longer send anyway in a normal BReifumschlag. Then I'll get a padded letter and make pure the cards in cheap cases. I pack then with a Din A4 paper and glue front and back box on it. And stick the "Packet" firmly inside.
Cards in transparent sleeves, kraft paper this tape up the top with a strip of scotch, then the skinny on a piece of lightweight cardboard. possibly a few more accessories pack cards as a buffer. Of course padded envelope. Outside the watermark / signature: Please do not bend! That should kraft paper be standard. mfg Decuay
Depends on the number of cards. Had often the problem that I had to take out because of the Luftpolsterumschlag the cardboard this otherwise kraft paper exceed the weight of 20 or 40g (registered kraft paper mail abroad). When Luftpolsterumschlag I suppose so only: Old card case, since coming in 2-3 cards. Is what particularly expensive here (Fetchi or valuable) bekomt this own envelope with 2 Gammel Commons as protection. That's all I do, should be sufficient for an air cushion envelope also. Oh the Mandatory "Please kraft paper Do not bend" of course it depends kraft paper also.
that with the tesa boah at the open side of the case .... how I hate it as much as I had that already, that the card is slipped tesa stripes on the then, because he was nich tight enough ->

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