Sunday, December 15, 2013

If I give the coins to a Mnzhndler saving

Hello My grandfather has a Mnzsammlung built over years as a "store of value" and they now berlassen me. Among them 63 DDR Sondermnzen, see table in the appendix. Neither he nor I are interested for coins, so I mchte now sell them. To this end, I have several questions: The prices indicated in the table come from auctions of 2008. Have the prices since then gendert? If in the future changes expected? For some coins I could not find a price (see the empty spaces in the table), you knnt help me there? I have before, anything more than 5 good value to auction individually, everything other than Lot. The Whren then 36 coins. What should furniture foam I choose Lotgrsse? 2x18, 3x12 or something? If I give the coins to a Mnzhndler saving 'I me a bunch of time and effort. Which tee Opposite auctions in the Internet I have about this medicine? How to ship coins? None of the coins is encapsulated, can I just stick with adhesive tape on a piece of cardboard and ship in a padded envelope, or is that verphnt among collectors? Thank you
The value of the coins is mageblich influenced by their conservation. In that regard, is here No one can TAXES to mglichen Abschlgen Opposite the auction prices of 2008 (in which conservation were the auctioned Stcke ago - as is the degree of preservation of your coins?). DDR Gedenkmnzen are not just on a Hhenflug, to say the auszudrcken. And yes: for heaven's sake do not berkleben with scotch. You should pack them individually. Question: in what form the coins are currently stored?
If I give the coins to a Mnzhndler saving 'I me a bunch of time and effort. furniture foam Which tee Opposite auctions in the Internet I have about this medicine? I fruits furniture foam that you will not find dealers for the berwiegenden part of your coins, which she takes you.
Thank you for your Antwoten The coins are currently in a velvet lined box, which has mnzenfrmige wells. In it, I can only ship them of course, if a buyer buys all. Can I pursue individually in paper and then glue on cardboard? The degree of retention in the auctions was st all. Mine are also st, I think. I'll try ordinary photos here reinzustellen.
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