Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The schwimmsack Secret Lives of the Vatican s Gay Cardinals, Monks, and Other Clergy Members

Is Marissa Mayer Helping Yahoo or Hurting the Struggling Tech Giant?
The schwimmsack Secret Lives of the Vatican s Gay Cardinals, Monks, and Other Clergy Members
The faster things change, schwimmsack the tougher it is to stay on top. In this year s rankings, 50 leading innovators schwimmsack shake the foundations of their industries, while 25 members of the power elite demonstrate why they re not going anywhere soon.
STAGE OF GLOBAL CONQUEST: In a dark-horse move that set both the old and new media aflutter, Bezos bought The Washington Post in August, confirming that there is no industry that he does not see as ripe for disruption. Amazon has no serious rivals in online retail, schwimmsack the stock price is up more than sevenfold since 2008, and the only question is how far Bezos can expand his reach, prompting The New York Times to call him the natural heir of Steve Jobs as the entrepreneur with the most effect schwimmsack on the way people live now. New ventures include putting storage lockers in cities to make it easy for customers to pick up their orders, an online auction house, and an ambitious attempt to produce its own TV shows a direct challenge to Netflix.
BIG schwimmsack MOVE: Bezos spent much of the summer working at Lab126, Amazon s Silicon Valley-based hardware-design laboratory, where the company s Kindle tablet was created. Rumor has it Amazon may be building its own cell phone or a TV set-top box.
STAGE OF GLOBAL CONQUEST: With Google s stock price up more than 20 percent in the last year and its annual profits topping $10 billion, co-founders Page and Brin have been free to follow a path of perpetual experimentation. schwimmsack To wit: the decision to spend roughly $1 billion on Waze, a crowd-sourced traffic app; their crazily ambitious Project Loon; and Google Glass, a head-mounted computer that is one of the most talked-about new products in years.
BIG MOVE: In August, Google s Motorola Mobility division, which Page acquired for $12.5 billion schwimmsack in 2011, unveiled its new Moto X. The anti-iPhone, as some have dubbed it, will be offered in 18 colors and will be manufactured in Fort Worth, Texas, making it the first American-made smartphone.
STAGE OF GLOBAL CONQUEST: It has been two years since the death of Steve Jobs, and C.E.O. Cook s sophomore year has been full of challenges. The stock price has fallen 35 percent in the past year, as investors fret over a company that is years removed from its last big hit, the 2010 iPad. While many were hoping for more at September s iPhones 5s and 5c unveiling (the stock price dropped in its wake), others believe that Apple still sets the standard for innovation (the fingerprint sensor on the 5s generated oohs and ahhs at the press announcement) and see this as just a warm-up schwimmsack for 2014, when rumor has it that all the good stuff is coming out of Ive s vaunted industrial-design workshop.
BIG MOVE: Last fall, after Cook publicly apologized for the embarrassingly buggy Apple Maps, he parted ways with Jobs s longtime software deputy, Scott Forstall, and gave the job of software designer to Ive, solidifying Ive s position as the most important industrial designer in the world.
STAGE OF GLOBAL CONQUEST: A year ago, Facebook looked schwimmsack vulnerable, not just because its long-awaited I.P.O. had fizzled but also because it had been caught flat-footed by the boom in smartphone use. A year later, all is well again at 1 Hacker Way, with a company stock price of about $45, well north of the I.P.O. price. In its most recent quarter, Facebook reported schwimmsack mobile-ad revenue of $656 million, up from roughly zero a year earlier. Advertisers are expected to spend $6 billion on the site in 2013.
BIG MOVE: A nagging worry for Facebook is that teens might flee to newer digital playgrounds. Zuckerberg addressed this last year by agreeing to pay roughly $1 billion to buy one such playground, Instagram, and by aping another, Snapchat.
OFF THE CLOCK: In April, Zuckerberg embarked on his first foray into politics, launching FWD.us, an immigration-reform group run by his old Harvard roommate Joe Green. FWD generated blowback in Silicon Valley after running TV ads that seemed to support the oil industry schwimmsack and some backers, including Elon Musk, bailed out. In August, Zuckerberg went worldwide with his transformative ambitions, launching Internet.org, schwimmsack dedicated to bringing affordable Internet access to the developing world.
STAGE OF GLOBAL CONQUEST: Musk s electric-car start-up schwimmsack has flirted with calamity so many times it s been hard to keep track. But after he navigated the company through near bankruptcy schwimmsack in 2008, Tesla is soaring. In August, a quarterly earnings report showing a net income of $26 million defied analysts expectations for the visionary company, whose market value continues to expand. Tesla s stock price has increased ninefold since its 2010 initial public offering, up almost 400 percent this year alone, and the new Model S was rated by Consumer Reports as the highest-scoring car the magazine

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