Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Agyu (Manobo Epic) The source of livelihood of the Ilianon are collecting sera. They substitute the

Agyu (Manobo Epic) The source of livelihood of the Ilianon are collecting sera. They substitute the sera of the Moors, with their basic needs such as rice, salt and sugar. There was Agyu disputes and the Moro datu because they owed a hundred piles of sera. To avoid the bloody battle, he and his family Agyu leave and go Ayuman Ilian. But do not let the Moro they live in peace. They followed them to kill him and his family. Agyu fought and his family courage and come out victories against the Muslims. After the success of Agyu thought to leave and go Ilian Mount Pinamatun. There they built a house at the foot of the mountain. One day Jesus went to the Mount Agyu Sandawa to hunt pig ramo. He returned carrying his last while his brother was Lono and sisters were Yambungan and Ikwagan have found honey. They divide the honey pig ramo and them and their servants. Why do not you take the meat and honey for you, and your spouse Ayuman, Banlak? asked Agyu with his brother. Banlak's wife who was left in Ayuman Mungan is because they had leprosy. Banlak not agreed to the idea. Lona was only volunteered to go to Ayuman carrying meat and honey for Mungan. When he heard a loud voice nagsasabl with Mungan accept that immortality by eating of God. Return was Lono to Panamutan, he said Agyu and Banlak icar tours what heard. Banlak wants to see Jesus Mungan but they were prevented by Agyu. Agyu but is crossed by the road down to see Ayuman Mungan but was too late. Jesus Mungan go to heaven. The only remnant is a golden house. And when he returned to Pinamutan, they left the place and went back to Tigyangdang. icar tours But they found peace in Tigyangdang. Lots enemy Tigyangdang nagpapaalis them. And whatever they do they can not beat the competition. When 'came the fourth day of fighting had come his young son Tanagyaw. Allow me 1umaban, father, he said. But you have very young son, he said it. Perhaps icar tours I was young then but I was smart, father, forced by Tanagyaw. Go and may help. You are God. Keep yourself! And leave was Tanagyaw to go into battle. And he defeated opponents. Would the head of the opponent was married to her daughter Tanagyaw Jesus Buy-Anon but refused it because they have very young. Was reached in the town of Baklayon Tanagyaw and saved the people against the enemy. Bagili he murdered the son of the head of the enemy Baklayon. Would Baklayon into marriage datu of his son Paniguan with Tanagyaw but not yet ready to marry. And went back to Tigyangdang Tanagyaw was Paniguan went to Tigyangdang, Jesus went Paniguan him. She said with Agyu who wishes to marry Tanagyaw. Agreed to add Agyu and were married Tanagyaw and Paniguan. On the other hand, did not stop the attack on the house of Agyu. Occasionally there are enemies that attack the settlements and kill the people and animals of Agyu. Old to fight but was Agyu. To fight the enemy, wore armor that was Tanagyaw metal hardness as the force does not move the air. Then he fought the enemy and come out winners. But not yet ready to give up the competition. Children rushed datu was Tanagyaw with the golden sword. Tanagyaw used by the golden rod and able to kill the son of a datu and his companions and fled to the mountains in fear. Napanuto icar tours Jesus Agyu. He knew that peace reign in their kingdom. icar tours Now they tatamasain good living wild on them first. The harvest is plentiful and the animals are multiplying in number. One day he called his daughter icar tours Tanagyaw. I've given you the Sunglawon. icar tours Protect it and manage it with justice and appreciation to the people. Please do keep it with the help of God, the father replied Tanagyaw. The next morning, and were Tanagyaw Paniguan with their slaves icar tours began to travel towards Sunglawon. They are ready to start a family.

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