Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Join Date: Nov 2009 Posts: 1,053

This is a discussion on H2O2, hydrogen / hydrogen peroxide in the subforum Other Products Imparting this text with galaxy forum, who posted a member ... Forums> Alternative Products> Other Products H2O2, hydrogen / hydrogen peroxide User Name Remember Me? Password foamco
Join Date: Nov 2009 Posts: 1,053
Imparting foamco this text with galaxy forum, which posted a member BOMARK: For all those interested in the use of hydrogen peroxide, here are medical studies that I found on the internet and translated. I use this for half a year .. and what can I tell you - try it! Multiple Uses of hydrogen peroxide Dr. David G. Williams http:// educate-yourself.org/cancer/benefitsofhydrogenperozide17jul03.shtml Posted 17.Jula 2003rd foamco (Original title: Hydrogen Peroxide Curse or Cure) Translation> BOMARK around its use of hydrogen peroxide as a therapy, it seems that there are two views on the matter. Those who podrav considered one of the greatest healing miracles of all time. Those opposed to the oral use only watch as the extremely dangerous, and are convinced that only fools can be used in this way. Before either condemning foamco or endorsing hydrogen peroxide, let's look at these with which we encounter. If any substance that bar may be interesting, it's hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide should really be called hydrogen foamco dioxide. Its chemical formula is H2O2. It contains vie one oxygen atom than does water (H2O). By now everyone's aware of the ozone layer that ruuje country. Ozone plaster three oxygen foamco atoms (O3). This logos ozone layer is created when ultraviolet light split the molecules foamco of atmospheric oxygen (O2) into two single, unstable oxygen atoms. These single molecules combine with others to form ozone (O3). Ozone is not stable. The fact is that it will very quickly foamco give up that clamor oxygen atom to create kiui formed foamco hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). (All this chemistry mumbo-Jambu creeping through which you will help you to better understand nicational isolation of hydrogen foamco peroxide). Plants It helps that more effective helps plants than tap water is hydrogen peroxide, which comes with Kiom. With increased levels of atmospheric pollution, a large amount of H2O2 reacts with airborne toxins and never reach the ground. To compensate for this, many farmers have been increasing crop yields by spraying them with diluted hydrogen peroxide (5 to 16 ounces of 35% pomijeano with 20 gallons of water per acre). His house plants also Moet provide great benefit if you add 1 ounce (1 ounce = 2.9 cl / 1 liter = 34 ounces) 3% hydrogen foamco peroxide (or 16 drops of 35% solution) to every liter of water you give your plants points. Also moe Koriten be a very safe insecticide. Simply spray your plants with 8 ounces of 3% hydrogen pomijeanog with 8 ounces of white ECER and one gallon of water (1 gallon = 3.7854 liters). Hydrogen peroxide is odorless and colorless, but not tasteless. When warehouses under prescribed conditions-no matter, it is very stable compound. When dri absence of light and contaminants, it (subject to wear) but-ohm slowly at the rate 10% per year. This can slow down even more and moe anymore if the warehouses in friideru. It boils at 152oC and freezes at-2oC. When exposed to other compounds hydrogen peroxide reacts immediately. The extra oxygen atom is released leaving H2O (water). In nature oxygen (O2) contains two atoms and is very stable compound. foamco Eat-single atom of oxygen, however, is very reactive and is referred to as a free radical. In the past several years, we've continually read that these free radicals are responsible for all types of ailments and even premature aging. What many seem to forget is that nae body produces and uses free radicals to has destroyed harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. In fact, the cells responsible foamco for fighting infection and foreign invaders in the body (our white blood cells) foamco make hydrogen peroxide and use it to oxidize any offending culprits. (Oxidation connect with oxygen, and by all means oxygen is aggressive, he degrades and razlae> over. Prev). Intensive bubbles you see when hydrogen peroxide comes in contact with tax-Tina infected by bacteria or wound is the oxygen being released and bacteria being debased. Ability from our cells to produce hydrogen peroxide is Sutinsko for life. H2O2 is not some nepoeljni product or toxin, but instead a basic requirement for good health. Newer RESEARCH indicate that the need hydrogen peroxide for a multitude of other chemical reactions that are Deave within the body. For example, we know that vitamin C pomaeu fighting infection by producing hydrogen peroxide, which in turn the stimulating the production of prostaglandins. Also lactobacillus found

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