Thursday, January 9, 2014

On the way through the long tavninu. Persistently sjakti My wristwatch with insects srobljenim time

Lunar struhnuo mast and sails are trampled. Seagull secret Pjano over water. Quadrangular heavy pier pit. Spinney swayed in the darkness. Outside on the steps. Dawning HRUP and HRUP on kamenosura door sea and the sun heats the surrounding area. Summer gods, pridavljeni, HMIL through a sea mist. Ostinatio
Under Section quiet hawk movement along the sea roar should blindly toward light chewing diamond foam and fabric his bridle of algae and throws foam December coastline. Darkness envelops the earth on which bats cruise. Hawk evasion and becomes a star. More can be thundering along and throws foam December coastline.
Four oxen under heaven emerge. Nothing proud about them. And dust is thick like wool. Pernice insects grated. A commotion horse splahlih Like gray allegory plague. Any softness in njih.Vrtoglavo sun.
The village that smells like a barn with a lean dog. Party official at the market in the village that smells like a barn with white houses. His sky it follows: narrow diamond foam and fabric and tall as a minaret inside. Village loose leaf on the slope of a hill.
On the way through the long tavninu. Persistently sjakti My wristwatch with insects srobljenim time. Packed compact sedan silence. Meadows unfold in the dark. But the clerk was halfway in his own image and travel at the same time a mole and an eagle.
The building is closed. The sun filtering through the windows and heated panel desk strong enough to withstand the fate of human destiny. And today we are out on the long slope. Many were dressed in black. Standing in the sun, sighs and blinks diamond foam and fabric with every move. Rarely coming down near the water. But now I am here among huge rocks with a stationary diamond foam and fabric ridge. Rocks that HMIL back, leaving waves.
I Edvard Greig moved I was a free man among men. I liked the joke, read ads, traveled obijao. I led the orchestra. Auditorium with their lamps shaking in triumph like a driver when boarding the ferry. Doplahao'm diamond foam and fabric here to bodem with silence. My workhorse is small. Piano closely as lasti under tiles. Wonderful and bare slopes of almost all the yellow. There is a passage, but there is an opening sometimes open and wonder curkajuća light directly diamond foam and fabric from the trolls. Reduced! And the hammer blow came when they were come into the mountain they came they came springing one night in our little room on the year before diamond foam and fabric my death I will send four psalms are looking for the Lord. But it starts here. One song on that near to us. As will be familiar. Battlefield in us where we, Bones Death, warring to come alive.
The guy lying on his back under a tall tree is also quite high. He is pumped into a thousand branches, rocking back and forth, sitting in a catapult chair that he throws slow. The one who stands down at the bridge diamond foam and fabric zvirucka in water. Bridges ages faster than men. They have silvery gray wood and stones in the stomach. Zaslepljujuća light still enters inside. The one that all the day sailing in an open boat across the glittering Bay, at the end of the nap in a blue lamp Islands HMIL While such large moth on the glass.
Tug was covered with thick rust. What's he doing here deep in the land? It is difficult lamp that flashes in the cold. Delay body has wild colors. Signals that other shore. Someone did, there, wants to embark. On the way home I saw a black mushrooms to sprout through the grass carpets, or that they have increased helpless fingers of one of those who whine over pepušten themselves at the mercy of darkness and samštini. Here we are firmly attached to the ground. diamond foam and fabric
Transtremer Tomas (Tomas Tranströmer) makes his debut with 17 tracks (17 dikter) "as a mature and completed a poet." The master of metaphor, the master of a small space - petoparca and lyrical maneuvering and a centipede that can pass through the leg cuff.
Criticism, now, while it celebrates, highlights Transtremerovu innate shyness that is visible in his poetry. From the first song onwards, he held a program that says there is no author, has works. Feelings indirectly transfer the image, not the "right" subjective statement.
E. Pound recommended versističke diamond foam and fabric two forms - early classical Greek poetry and Japanese haiku. Top sapfijske stanzas in Swedish language can be found at an early, and the best haiku poetry to the late Transtremerovoj.
In a letter from the 1952nd year in which the right arose songs that will make debut book, Transtremer diamond foam and fabric says that Eliot's Four Quartets his food everyday. Says in another place that they all (Swedish modernist diamond foam and fabric poets of the 50's and 60's) Eliot grandchildren. At the same time it reads a German medieval diamond foam and fabric mystic Meister diamond foam and fabric Eckhart.
The music, not literature, the first Transtremerova ambition. Before verses, he wrote several small piano compositions. Playing the piano all my life. After a stroke in 1990. year, when he lost the power of speech when he froze right hand, he learned to play the piano left hand.
None of the poet, was how talented, is not born out of nothing. Or, as Eliot says, every poet creates diamond foam and fabric its own traditions. Tomas Transtremer in their ranks French Surrealists and Paul Eluard, Friedrich Helderlina, Rainer Maria Rilke and Oscar Loerkea, Dante, Raphael Al

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