Friday, January 17, 2014

High time that all the wonderful fruits saves in the Preserve to the winter and spring enjoyed the

Last spring, I threw myself on making jam with strawberries, thanksgiving rolls so I chose a few favorites from the bazgoladu. So far, a simple version of jam with strawberries, I exchanged with fine and aromatic addition-flowered elder. The difference in taste is huge, and the first results you see when you open the front staklenkicu final jam, and offer it to their loved ones. All you need is: 1 kg cleaned strawberries 5 elderflower 75dag sugar 1 lemon juice 1 Želin first Clean strawberries, thanksgiving rolls cut them into pieces, add sugar and stick to cooking. 2.Izmiješati Želin with 2 tablespoons sugar and work as directed on the bag. 3rd Add the juice of one lemon and elderflower florets. 4th When you boil cook for another thanksgiving rolls 3-5 minutes, occasionally removing the foam. 5th Hot filled into hot jars, seal them and on 55 minutes, turn it upside down. when you pass 5 minutes to return the jars to the original position. Your bazgolada is ready for tasting! :-)) The recipe thanksgiving rolls is taken from here.
Introduction to this coming fall, builds on the previous post, so I give you the idea of how to further utilize aromatic jam with sm ...
High time that all the wonderful fruits saves in the Preserve to the winter and spring enjoyed the charms of good okusa.Jednom PROBAN similar jam n ...
Chocolate Cherry French Macarons

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