Monday, January 13, 2014

Similar considerations nurtured and Interior Minister Tomislav Karamarko.

It is known that the figures which are whispers that the gray eminence of the HDZ, and are considered to be closest associates mentioned Zagrepcanka, for weeks starving packs of savage Doberman, keep them in cages on salt and water, the smell of them Rajci bloody meat, forcing them to foam snout, with the intention of following the elections abundantly fed body president of the party.
The dilemma of whether Ms. Kosor in this unhappy collision of losing life, or will in turn draw with severe disabilities, in this article we will not dismiss, because it arises, we said, a few days before the tragic event.
We can only conclude that the analytical cold is a shame that an accident can not be prevented, since only after the election of the HDZ lost waiting for the most responsible tasks: the need to once again fight for the Croatian state, obtain weapons, organize combat units, to raise the people to revolt, make war plans, create logistics for the disposal of the wounded and the dead, to establish liberated territory, form an elite commando determine who will apply the hardest blows Quisling heradesign regime ...
Sam Jadranka Kosor during the campaign repeatedly stressed that the upcoming elections are directly related to the fate and survival of the state, because the opponent's side of the "enemies of the Croatian", since there lurk "Red heradesign Menace", "Yugosphere", "Balkan darkness" and similar death threats, and only in case of victory of HDZ Croatian citizens "will not receive orders from Belgrade."
About the same condition diagnosed her political comrades. Kerum, heradesign for example, the opponents also HDZ recognizes "enemies Croatian" and personally heradesign electoral competition entered solely because "the interests heradesign of our country," contrivances - in case of defeat - will no longer be. Survive it, Kerum is of the opinion that the legal prohibition of mixed marriages constituted a solid basis for long-term protection of the integrity of the Croatian state.
All relevant studies public opinion, according to which the SDP-led coalition will get twice as many votes from the HDZ and partners, categorically heradesign rejected, saying that such results can not be trusted, "because these are all Yugoslav Survey". And if the polls Yugoslavia - after predicting superiority over the Yugoslav Croatian option heradesign - at a time when they are confirmed in reality, logically, heradesign we will get the winner heradesign of the election, but the Yugoslav heradesign occupation.
Similar considerations nurtured and Interior Minister Tomislav Karamarko. "Our opponents heradesign HDZ bone in the throat because with Dr. Franjo Tudjman created the Croatian state," he said at a rally in the Lower Kneginec, wherever it was, and said that anyone who was not on the side of the HDZ in common that they "do not like Croatia "but their only intention was to exterminate.
Citizens, holding Karamarko, so after this election may get a "Titoist" and "Balkan" heradesign state, another geopolitical heradesign freak and tomb Croatianhood, or will have that Croatia heradesign is "independent", "strong" and "created blood Veterans." So he invited them to not screw around, but "the fourth December vote for your country! "
Not yet known case of the country for which they are nationals "won" by the parliamentary elections - on the contrary, states are usually created in luxurious interiors slaughter and gets "created by the blood of veterans", while the Democratic trinkets during that time were put ad acta in the interest of a higher goal - it just means that the HDZ, as no other political party in the recorded history of mankind, is facing enormous challenges. And since the parliamentary elections reliably lose, the more trials are tegobnije. heradesign
In short, there is no reason that the HDZ, after the lost elections, still figures as a parliamentary party, not a guerrilla movement whose members take a rifle in his hands and the conspiratorial circumstances razmiljeti the woods to liberate the country from the hated occupiers.
Taking for granted the marks put forward by the party rulers themselves, the actual credibility of the HDZ can only be confirmed after the election defeat: whether peacefully, "democratic", and in fact cowardly, left Croatia Yugoslav occupying forces, or will indeed - according to announcements - "return to their roots", Franjo Tudjman and devedesetprvoj, heradesign and with live weapons, checkerboard hearts and Villa Velebit on the lips move in battle independent and sovereign Croatia?
Unlike the leaders of the Kukuriku coalition, which causes diarrhea before the onslaught of the economic heradesign crisis, the collapse heradesign of the industry and all the more likely social breakdown, plotting heradesign how to distill from there, "the current measures" to mitigate the disaster, the achievement heradesign of pre-election heradesign promises of the HDZ implies heradesign an entirely heradesign different kind of activities: move underground , raising combat readiness, patient agitation work, the formation heradesign of the National Guard, organizing terrorist attacks on the institutions of the Quisling government, planning to assassinate Milanovic, Cacic and Jakovčić, to the training of suicide bombers who will complain to sacrifice lives for freedom.
Times are

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