Thursday, January 9, 2014

Money Work For Democracy idea Jakusevac / Competition grant NGOs Public Invitation to encourage aud

While the Capitol down thick fog of longing for a return to the ISC, the priest Svtozar Rittig does not exist in the memory of today's Catholic Church. It is not surprising, because this "partizančina" separates, like holy oil Stink baptized by water, from what we see today in the church.
Pressure from below Culture versandmaterial No doubt - apart! / Action waste collection Self-made solar panels and home composters know, think, participate / Conference on Civic Education Feminist Solidarity: From Utopia to practice More "Harry Dean Stanton: Partly Fiction" in Dokukino The theater program "Europe" a new Gilliam and von Trier Exhibition of Max Patch Walid Raad / Lecture and discussion Daily Struggle / Exhibition Zlatan Vehabović in Lauba Documentaries for Hibernate "Thirsty Ear" in the 2014th year More
Money Work For Democracy idea Jakusevac / Competition grant NGOs Public Invitation to encourage audiovisual activities and creativity 2013. year program of small grants to civil society Energy Efficiency for nonprofits Contest - funding for women's organizations in the Mediterranean Public call for grant aid from the PROGRESS program 2007th to 2013th More School holidays at the Center for Culture and Information Maksimir lecture on organic beekeeping Strong as a bull / Creative workshop for children Bookkeeping Services for NGOs / Contest versandmaterial Website to present the Academy for Political Development / Competition for 2014th New year cycle workshop in CeKaTeu Days of Croatian books / Competition versandmaterial More
Privacy Nobilo: Germany not to extradite its intelligence Panorama Exciting Brazilian years Economy Amazon and workers against the union Culture versandmaterial From Hitler to Princess Diana - German director Oliver Hirschbiegel's On No bread of art
Attention, attention: H-Alterov keynote speaker versandmaterial has pissed off since we arrived ZAMP this threat ŠTIBR (Croatian: tribute) and randomly threw himself from pe' six songs: "I shall come to you-justice, everyone knows that, listen will officials from Emporjuma! " (Op. ed)
At H-Alterovu address last week received a note from the Croatian Composers' Society which inform versandmaterial us that we should sign a contract with them regularly and give them money, because a transfer to video clips in which the hearing is protected musical works. You have six pistons where the alleged offense occurred, six of them, much of it relating to the transferred versandmaterial articles / documentaries versandmaterial that, among other things, dealing with privatization robbery Zagreb factory and poisoning Read revolted, we have decided, through versandmaterial civil disobedience versandmaterial to fight against this wholly imbecile Amazon proposal by the U.S. oil giant Chevron. What will ZAMP? ZAMP will benefit from the music that served as the basis for robbery and poisoning.
Read revolted, we have decided, through civil disobedience to fight against this wholly imbecile proposal. Therefore, we at this site publicly broadcast several famous Croatian music tracks. Well, we will not just broadcast, because that would mean a new imbecile greetings from ZAMP. Instead, we leave you singing the lower rows. Specifically, versandmaterial hypothetically speaking, if someone sang aloud rows below this text with the appropriate background music, their art then filmed and posted on YouTube, and then the H-Alter eventually passed it on to the portal of the same name - in the form of a link or embed code! - ZAMP to the latter had the right to ask for money. We recall that a large contribution versandmaterial to the legal arrangements regarding copyright gave President Ivo Josipovic, a close friend of Mark Vojkovići, owner of Emporium, responsible for collecting "harac" to account ZAMP. In short, do not play with the president, because he is THE (MP) fuc.
Constitutional given Croatia's calling, calling, Constitutional days, I will!
And if he was the next to take off tonight Vuka It's been nice weather we sing those banned? Do you sometimes meet that dear? Is he still continues here? He asks you for me to wait for him? He's pissing me.
In the morning, when the Russians often sad I am. The words of this long, I do not get either one or the other, I piss you letters to an old friend of mine Let me tell you what this means: "The Croatian Employment Service"? Pissing me.
Although top ZAMP from the beginning to pay claims of copyright and music law is not para-levy these are obviously disagrees part of the Government ... Published: versandmaterial 31.12.2013.
19.12. ZAMP's assault on the portals
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