Sunday, January 19, 2014

Before I introduce the rest of the new features, a few words on the manufacturer. Lilith natural co

Oil is at first looks wonderful! As vegetable oil Macadamia same manufacturer, quickly absorbed and non-sticky, but unlike makadamijina, this oil has no odor and is cheaper. It is suitable for sensitive skin, even skin after waxing because it does not cause anything but positive responses. Leaves the skin soft and nourished until the next day. I think it will be a long time to hang out :)
The shampoo I used only 3x and, although intended for volume, has solved the oily and flaky agitation of my head. I do not want to pre-rejoice because I Biokapov shampoo for oily hair too charmed modeling foam from the start, but after four months, or two bottles consumed, hair looks used and returned to the old regime where I wash it every other day and the stress is still activated dandruff. After the first wash Urtekramovim shampoo, modeling foam hair washing was only after the third days. Dandruff is missing from the third washing, or 9 days of first use. Muddy texture, something like alverde anti-dandruff shampoo, but it has foam, incredible for a shampoo without chemical foaming. It smells like a sour gum, maybe those old green Extra. Fortunately, the smell is not retained after washing. If it were otherwise, I believe that we are quickly forgiven.
I bought this oil recommended by herbalists aromaterapeutkin jeu. The main purpose is to reduce inflammation in acne etc. bastards on the way to Nan axis in small quantities and on a small area of expertise. If my wife had not given its data connection will not make it probable wave because dif resemble those of the nodes listed as ethers oil normally you should not drift either directly on the skin. Oil I tried 1x overnight and did not help, but neither odmogao - held a (non) neutral state. In addition to neutralizing modeling foam the bastard, did not cause any skin reactions. The oil has a strong citrusan modeling foam peace and so do not serve it in cosmetics, will serve irisne St. rhe mind.
Before I introduce the rest of the new features, a few words on the manufacturer. Lilith natural cosmetics can be ordered exclusively through their facebook page (link in the title). This is my first order Lilith Pk and can only commend them on issues of pleasant, communication and professionalism. Order arrived within 3 days. Unfortunately, I was not able to collect it the same day so that Pacala Mail in almost 24 hours. Part of the cream leaked resulting squeezing modeling foam pics on the packaging. Fortunately, nothing was stinking the place nor spoiled. All products except for part of the cream keep in the refrigerator.
,, Lilith modeling foam Natural Cosmetics is an initiative of making homemade cosmetics made by combining old recipes from the Balkans to Western modern methods of making natural cosmetics. The goal is to resist consumerism and promote natural nurturing and raising awareness about the use and capabilities of resources from the rich resources of nature to improve the quality of life.
To make use of various oils certif erenog origin, such as olive, almond, soy, sunflower, pumpkin, oil, castor oil, hazelnuts, macadamia, walnuts, apricots, apricot, hazelnut and many others, as well as other products such as dried herbs, local macerate, Hydrolat , vegetable glycerin, butter (shea, coconut, cocoa), aloe vera gel, unrefined beeswax, honey and other specially selected ingredients. It should be noted that when making these things play a big role brandy old books from the Balkans, as well as many years of collecting folk recipes. Everything is done in small batches to ensure quality and originality.
,, Flower Shower tonic / skin lotion is intended for mixed and oily skin, skin with pimples and acne and skin care for the elderly. Ingredients are a guide balm and everlasting, and essential oils of immortelle, juniper modeling foam and sage.
Tonic can use honey that is suhokožac and I that I m ješovite skin. Although modeling foam the manufacturer recommends applying tonic on a cotton ball and then in the face, the more I love him drift either directly, by spray w. T Onika we like, easy and pleasant fragrance. The only min us nep recizni spray č whose diameter spray too.
Piv ska cream is intended for dry our leath and face and body, and uses it more dear than I do. His facial skin is very important osjetji, and prone to irritation and psoriasis. Cream suits him, calm irritation, etc. HI skin nourished all day. K rema ingredient is a blend of 10 points, and the jviše the smell of geraniums. At the time of the writing of this post Prod odjąć ma knuo product from the catalog so can not g p renijeti more information e
,, Cream is based on hazelnuts, which softens the skin and regulates the secretion of fat. It is rich in vitamins, fine texture, good food, brzoupijajuće and stimulates circulation, and aloe and patchouli oils that the skin regenerates, moisturizes, heals and soothes and visibly reduces pores. Besides patchouli and hazelnut contains tea tree oil, which further calms inflammation. In addition, a pleasant cream tightens the skin.
Hydrating Cream is designed mixed, oily and problematic skin (AKN ei expanded e por e). Cream h sails ortised my mixed

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