Sunday, November 9, 2014

As some have already written, the nose wheel should always be relieved a little ... the material wo

- German - English
Hi Pilots, have observed the fteren in real, that the aileron control was totally stretch folia turned to the right while taxiing on the ground. stretch folia (Only multi-engine props) For example, in the ATR u. The BN Islander. Why is that? Or is it just coincidence? stretch folia Thanks for any replies __________________ size Dietrich (N56NA)
When rolling on the floor you have the hands not necessarily always stretch folia on the control yoke. This makes it tilts then very happy times to the right or left off (in your case, to the right), since there are no effects Krfte on the control units of the Tragflchen. Anyway, that's in the Islander so, with whom I often mitfliege __________________
Aha, and then the Tragflche umstrmt is enough, "directed", the control yoke "to" stretch folia u. So that you can then "work" properly. __________________ Thanks Hauke size Dietrich (N56NA)
Dietrich: I rL dignity in the hands not only take to the Round if enough air is present umstrmende ... this seems to me to clearly spt! I do not let the oars even when rolling and relieves drag any rate minimally the front - except for times of special situations. Releasing only the look of the magnets / propeller adjustment stretch folia / Vergaservorwrmung, since you both hands yes otherwise have in use since. stretch folia In the vFliegerei I do not do it otherwise. Gru WW
Firstly, the nose wheel is credited with the Zurckziehen of the stick, on the other hand it has to do with the overall gentle handling of the material. I fly ever with a work colleague with a Robin DR400. He pulls the stick towards him and moved him in the direction in which he taxelt. __________________ Many Gre from Nied err hein Roland Deputy Chief PTD: D A - C - E - IM -ROK - FRIESE137 - LHA579:
He pulls the stick towards him and moved him in the direction in which he taxelt. stretch folia The latter stretch folia also can be simple finger trouble. I am thinking only of my first round with a C172 in Zurich. The turn of J on A would somehow not really ... until I realized that the aileron knnte possibly on the ground and at 10 knots only eingeschrnkt stretch folia effective __________________ (New) German spelling? Wrong country!
As some have already written, the nose wheel should always be relieved a little ... the material would be about it. Furthermore, always in strong Crosswinds use with the aileron, facilitates and increases the security roles. Therefore, left hand and right hand control horn Lautenmacher .... so I learned stretch folia the roles and do it today in all specimens. Guude Bernd __________________ RG Frankfurt * ATTENTION real fly makes addictive, so they ask first your doctor and your banker *
As some have already written, the nose wheel should always be relieved a little ... the material would be about it. Furthermore, always in strong Crosswinds use with the aileron, facilitates and increases the security roles. Therefore, left hand and right hand control horn Lautenmacher .... so I learned stretch folia the roles and do it today in all specimens. A good word for this is the "roll-chart". Ausgedrckt easier for the wind to always show the rudder top. So, if chosen in respect to the right when a Taxeln the aileron, he Most likely wind from the front right. Just as it is bleached stretch folia to drcken the Hrnchen the Taxeln with stalwart Tailwind. In curves is then taken straight and realigned, depending on how the wind then attacks. __________________ Advance Terrier
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