Thursday, November 13, 2014

In this sense, a respect asymmetry intentionally produce to effectively cool an interaction. In the

Recently there was on the side of a "romp" -Inflation. versandverpackung In the category "romp" all the texts are sorted, sometimes more, sometimes less, the exchange is entitled to good sociology, against whom a claim somehow failing practicality. The following text falls almost entirely versandverpackung under such "life coaching" and also relates the I actually completely unknown "gender" issue (but I'm not a big risk and stick to any generalized reference to society versandverpackung far).
It is a modern self-evident, to show in a job role-compliant behavior, even if you feel uncomfortable on a personal level, disabled or harassed. Organizations expect loyalty at the expense of personal whim and pay for it with content and careers. But now and then a fine line is crossed. About when you will be yelled at as supermarket staff of customers when one is threatened in office room by the applicant or if you will be dredged as a young business associate in the quasi-social customer appointment. It should go below to the latter case.
It happens that large companies arrange transactions outside of normal business spaces and times. This is useful to highlight versandverpackung the uniqueness of the customer, the company commitment and the specificity of the business. You will not meet a 10 clock noon in Conference Room T7-14, but in the evening Stadionloge, while down Bon Jovi plays. It is produced intentionally socializing, is just if still celebrated after the completion of the transaction, as is common versandverpackung to one or other party.
It may happen versandverpackung then that is that the customer of a company young employees during a champagne versandverpackung says that he finds her perfume very appealing and the employee can not withdraw versandverpackung from this situation, even though she feels uncomfortable and insecure, but not (yet) would be justified to destroy the entire situation. A direct response and defenses of harassment would be somehow inappropriate. You do not know whether it's just a crude approximation was not to attempt that may mean a lot more harmless than it is understood.
So what to do? How to interact constructively sabotage, without on the wrong side provoked justification obligations and politeness rules are violated? The interaction sociology holds three handy tips that all so interlocked that they can really only be separated analytically. This will be done here shortly. The starting point is the fictional harassment: "Your perfume is extraordinarily like me, they remain somewhat close to me."
Interactions may, if the subject does not trigger a conflict, cope with many asymmetries. A wealthy business man, a prominent sportsman and a respected scientist can interact without problems. Even if the rich business man has his hierarchical subordinates versandverpackung with him and after a certain time even added a powerful politician who has missed the beginning of the conversation, there is no reason why this interaction under now five very different people should not succeed. Social, temporal, factual asymmetries can be combined wild and, if necessary, compensated.
This enduring various asymmetries works because in exchange (exactly) is to endure an asymmetry impossible: respect / contempt. People can honor and admire in different ways, but they have to pay in interaction versandverpackung in the same way. The attention turn requires, so the offers bear fruit, symmetry. Warning supersedes all exemplified above organizational (hierarchies) and social (prominence, wealth, reputation, power, ...) references to roles and uses only the entangled interacting persons.
As always, versandverpackung there are two extremes. Either the conversation runs in Attention mode or in disregard mode. A boss listens carefully and tries to understand the arguments of his subordinates, as the subordinate makes him over, or a person cools down and becomes versandverpackung unbearable. A boss who does not leave his role in interaction that does not respect his subordinates, but addressed him as anyone who in turn, in response, also the chief addressed only in his role. It follows the call of duty. Many possibilities that the interaction situation in the Offer will remain unused.
In this sense, a respect asymmetry intentionally produce to effectively cool an interaction. In the example, the set of all role covers are cut and the opposite is addressed as an individual: please Stay with me, because versandverpackung I like her perfume. The offer is based entirely on external respect, then you best just not symmetrical, but with SELF

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