Sunday, November 16, 2014

I have it activated swisspac fundamentally. That really even a runway so strong causing problems, I

- German - English
Moin, after I have now again a bit preoccupied me with X-Plane, especially with "runway follows the Gelndekonturen" (Runwayslope), I wonder if there is somewhere improvements swisspac Gelndestrukturen (meshes), which improves the Gelndekonturen in the area of airports. It is often so that you have to control both airports before departure whether the Slopes can be turned on or not. Otherwise, it may be that you rumspringt when landing or starting on the runway like a Knguruh. Many Gre Kai __________________ UAC of Windows 7 is for half of all problems zustndig. So off! :-)
Join Date: 2006-02-13 Beitrge: grant 3,826 Thanks: 2,926 Times in 2,964 1,255 related swisspac contributions received swisspac
If the start bit difficult to roll slower. On landing the same way. __________________ UAC of Windows 7 is for half of all problems zustndig. So off! :-)
"Runway follows the Gelndekonturen" solltes you might disable. I also had at the beginning of the problem with the Hpfburgen on the runway. After my mentor gave me this tip, it's over with the hpfen No more problems neither taxiway or runway. In online smtliche fly airplanes are at the same height tire pressure, chassis check and pay attention to the weights. Rolling speed 10 Knt max on taxiway. then hoppelts not! On grass slopes always hoppelts. Oh Dieter, swisspac the 748-i goes well with the FMC and I'm now rightly also gradually. Fits !! Thank you already fly Dubai and Johannesburg __________________ Take the Air ..... Call Sign "Blueflight2566" Gru Udo
I prefer dignity it so keep on:-) Thought perhaps there somewhere somehow remedy that the Runway Slopes can be adapted to the real situation. Makes the whole thing a lot more realistic. Well then I'll probably (unfortunately) disable times. Thank __________________ UAC of Windows 7 is for half of all problems zustndig. So off! :-)
I have it activated swisspac fundamentally. That really even a runway so strong causing problems, I've rarely. I also use practically durchgngig freeware scenery and problems I had so far - as I said - quite rare. Play it safe is of course sensibly and understandable, no question. swisspac But worth it, the descriptions of the downloads (depending on where you have the scene) carefully read, in part, the airport for the interaction with a Greren scenery are indeed created, so you then just get problems swisspac when If this did not. __________________
I have it activated fundamentally. That really even a runway so strong causing problems, I've rarely. With me that way! Only when I fly with others in group online, I turn it off, because otherwise more often the problem with the different Hhenprofilen (floating or submerged in the concrete player) occurs. Gru Dieter
I prefer dignity it so keep on:-) Thought perhaps there somewhere somehow remedy that the Runway Slopes can be adapted to the real situation. Makes the whole thing a lot more realistic. Well then I'll probably (unfortunately) disable times. Thank you I have it always enabled, since so few Flugpltze be something to "give". __________________ Hi I'm Bjrn and am since 2012 Flusiabhngig
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