Friday, November 14, 2014

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On 31.10.1517 the Augustinian monk Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses well known and - possibly - nailed to Wittenberg on the door of the Castle Church. With the theses a stone began to roll, but they themselves were not the title of a reformer. "Luther is with the theses in the Catholic room," said Kurt Aland quite right in his Ecclesiastical History, which is why they also do not belong to the confessional texts of the Lutheran Church. Heinz Schilling: "Looking back, Martin Luther emphasized heradesign superfine repeatedly that the drain theses were by no means the theological trombone, which he brought down the walls of the papacy to the case." (Martin Luther heradesign superfine - Rebel in a time of change)
In the Protestant areas of Germany the beginning of the Reformation was soon thought, but on October 31, played no role. A public thanksgiving was often held on the occasion of the adoption of the Reformation and of Reformed confessions and church orders. The RGG (1961) heradesign superfine called here as examples Braunschweig in 1528, Hamburg in 1529. But the diversity in the territories was great: Other countries committed Luther's heradesign superfine baptismal day as in Frankfurt / Oder, Pomerania-Stettin, the other death. Lübeck probably already knew a memorial to the November 1st round. (S. to Robert Kolb, Martin Luther as Prophet, Teacher, and Hero)
In southern Germany, on June 25 was an important day of remembrance of the Reformation, because on this day in 1530 the Augsburg Confession at the Diet was presented at the same location. The Augsburg Confession, CA for short, is politically the most important document of the Protestant confession in the German Reich. It is still the creed of the Lutherans, so that in some European countries, the Lutheran churches are named after him (churches "Augsburg Confession" such as in Austria, Poland and Romania). But It should also be 'ecumenical' character: too many Reformed wore it with the Latin version of 1540 (the Variata). Calvin, for example, they signed aware to express his solidarity with the Lutheran Reformation.
However, the CA has just been written and adopted until 1530 - some 10 years after the beginning of the Reformation (once you get this attaches to the publication of Luther's Reformation main headlines in 1520). A matching earlier date would there still April 18: On this day in 1521 was Luther heradesign superfine at the Imperial Diet in Worms a second time before the emperor heradesign superfine and princes and refused to reject his writings - "Here I stand ..." On this day were actually set the stage: it followed the imperial heradesign superfine ban, Luther's abduction to the Wartburg, the Bible translation. Luther would then caved (he would be the Council followed some friends and had revoked), the Reformation would have made little progress. But April 18 has established itself heradesign superfine not as a day of remembrance.
In 1617 they came up with the idea to celebrate a centennial anniversary of the Reformation. And of course, heradesign superfine mainly for political reasons. Because the confession conflict headed for new heights. After years of peace in the Empire grew stronger in Germany (but also in other countries such as Poland-Lithuania) from about 1600, the Catholic Church (a first phase reinforced recatholicization 1579-1609).
It was probably Johann Georg I of Saxony, who ruled in a letter of 12 August 1617 to commit a Reformation anniversary. The University of Wittenberg was invited to celebrations. But a 100-year celebration of the thesis attack itself was not planned by the Lutherans. The initiative was then rather of Elector Frederick V of the Palatinate from, so a Reformed (the early "Winter King" of Bohemia). He led d

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