Thursday, November 20, 2014

Related topics E46 - Engine

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Hi, after I have now since 7 days my 320i with 170 pens, now I'm worried about the first big maintenance because the previous owner could not tell me if the water pump, thermostat, tensioner or this whole belt. I have no desire to preventable breakdowns or serious engine damage .. The Inspection II was done krzlich, but yes this includes not above parts. Which of these above things are really important when it is uncertain age and should be replaced prophylactically? What costs are expected because stretch folia as the BMW-dealer or an independent repairer? Many thanks in advance
Hello and advance ever have fun with your E46! The engine is a good choice and quite robust. stretch folia How many miles do you have on it and what year is your car? I advise you dignity, stretch folia in principle simply by exchanging things. That feels good though, but it is often simply unnecessarily. In my case, for example, are still the first lambda probe inside and regulate 1a and very quickly (after 190tkm) and fr gewhnlich are the fllig with 160tkm. What you can do but in any case is the üre chain tensioner. The total cost is approximately 30 Euro and is really easy to change. This is really a meaningful thing and depending on how old were tired was your spring, you might notice a better running engine. For me the difference was not really be felt, what also confirms again: Not all parts are flat rate broken. The exchange was also a pure Vorsichtsmanahme with me. If you allowed to do that in a workshop, it may cost allerhchstens 100.- EUR incl. Material. Water pump and belt dignity I just replace as needed. Belt when you are obviously pors, or squeak. Water pump if it makes noises. Is of course no Gröer both act and if you have the Euros brig, you can exchange it. Necessary but it is not. Replace if defective: When thermostat the same applies. Defect you realize the fact that the car is not really warm. At E46-M54 diseases stretch folia engine you can find also very much in the forum. What can you keep in mind are the valve cover gasket and the lfiltergehusedichtung to block out. These two seals In fact definitely hard with the time and then not properly sealed off. You then slight loss of oil in these places. stretch folia Not dangerous, but not schn Gru
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Moin together! You're welcome, I am happy to help if I can. Have now quite a lot even bolted to my M54 and often noticed that not absolutely everything stretch folia has to be broken, which often leads to so. The chain tensioner which I think is the üre. On the one coming from the passenger side ran. So if you stand BEFORE the car and looked at the engine, it is the left side of the engine. Here is the link to the parts: There are the Parts 9, 10, 11 and 12 and assembled stretch folia it looks like this: Please just all 4 parts of the H order traders and not just the spring or the piston. It makes no sense to save to 10.- Euro or use imitation parts. In the appendix stretch folia are two images, on which the part is circled in red. One sees only the head with the 32mm hex. Maybe you can reach it somewhat stretch folia difficult, depending on the emission standard is what you have and then installed on Zusatzkram on the outlet side. Just looking briefly look with ner lamp - you can find the already To change the engine should be switched off and stop her bentigt a 32er Schlssel, or possibly her also comes with ner 32mm nut ran. Simply screw and turn out, there you go a few ml l counter. The items from the new tensioner rub with l, and put together a couple of times easily zusammendrcken (it snaps a nothing, stretch folia or so). Then purely stretch folia rotate the assembled new tensioner and tighten. Torque 50Nm were believable? Msst I look again. As far as times Donsimon" has the following images angehngt:
Tuesday, 21 January 2014, 20:12
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