Monday, November 10, 2014

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Hi everyone, I fly so, how many know a Wilco- Thomas Ruth Merge. The air so far very good, just a problem with the rollers: For many curves, the aircraft like a truck tends the roles so that the wings closer üre direction rogers foam is bottom. ES is only little, but characterized it rolls a bit "spongy". Where is "eindrcken" aircraft.cfg set in the ground in this? __________________ LG and happy landings David (nobody is perfect, I am nobody ...) Plane: LH A320 / Call Sign: DLH133 controller (C1) and mentor of the Frankfurt RG / PTD coach VATSIM Germany
Hi David, what do you mean by "many curves"? Either he tends generally to curves or not. It depends on it, as fast as you bretterst to the curve radius and which has this. Gewhnliche cars tend generally in curves. You do not realize it only (mostly). Times slower attempts to take the curves to abzuschwchen the effect somewhat. Otherwise, it is normal that aircraft tilt in curves. Gru Alex
Yes, but I've found that the example does not happen with the PMDG 737NGX. And this effect is guaranteed defined in the aircraft.cfg. __________________ LG and happy landings David (nobody is perfect, I am nobody ...) Plane: LH A320 / Call Sign: DLH133 controller (C1) and mentor of the Frankfurt RG / PTD coach VATSIM Germany
I dignity rather say that you have no rudder pedals rogers foam where you control the nose wheel, so you USER the wings around you to move on the ground and therefore draws the aircraft, is also logical! __________________ Gru, Yannick | Pilot & ATC | |
But a Joistick with Z axis. Besides, the plane would have to be tilted inwards then. __________________ LG and happy landings David (nobody is perfect, I am nobody ...) Plane: LH A320 / Call Sign: DLH133 controller rogers foam (C1) and mentor of the Frankfurt RG / PTD coach VATSIM Germany
So what concerns the roll speeds in curves, I have made good experiences with the following rogers foam values: straight, curve around 20kts less like 45, about 15kts curve more like 45 max. 10kts BackTrack, about 10kts with differential brakes Folds with the 744 quite well. She leans a bit in turns outward, but I think this is normal.
OK, if that also makes it easy for you ... it calms me down. Of the velocities is similar with me. __________________ LG and happy landings David (nobody is perfect, I am nobody ...) Plane: LH A320 / Call Sign: DLH133 controller (C1) and mentor of the Frankfurt RG / PTD coach VATSIM Germany
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