Saturday, November 15, 2014

Soooooooooooooo hard is that to the controller via the

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Whenever I see real images, the pilots are taxiing at exactly on the line. And usually so well that I wonder how you get the point. I usually do not even see a wheel width offset. OK, I'm usually in Flusi a little too fast when rolling, because I am often times a piece of the next line. But even if I consider myself strictly to the speed, I find it very hard to stay exactly on the line. Importantly, now I'm not talking so just "roll exactly on the line" by an offset of meters, styrospray the. Sure, I'll find a reference point in the cockpit where I am then exactly on the line. I think it's styrospray still exhausting. Washes me the real pictures, there is a trick I do not know, or I'm just too amotorisch? I am interested in dignity times, how to resist the temptation as a real pilot, easy to roll something quickly. __________________ Klaus Basan D [A | C | E] MBA | VatGM - Our flights on Google Map
In my opinion, in the FS "perspective" often a problem. The feel for the speed and the feeling rumliche missing. With a multi-monitor setup, in which the left and right also has the views plus TrackIR might already bring a lot to get this feeling. Besides, have so many aircraft nowadays cameras in the nose landing gear, which the pilots styrospray get an exact view. Examples hierfrwren the A380 or the B777. __________________
Actually rolled out of the real pilot with the so-called steering tiller. The "steering styrospray wheel" that you can find on the left side, directly controls the nose wheel. This can turn almost at one point the aircraft. It is extremely sensitive and thus also difficult to use. So heavy that only the captain may roll. Who else? The tiller can be found at Boeing only on the left steering. At Airbus also the F / O has a steering tiller. The define styrospray the reference point is a good idea. Also in Real you should set a reference point. The A380 has determined for its Fahrwerklnge of ~ 24m a nose wheel camera. Gre
Soooooooooooooo hard is that to the controller via the "Tiller" not now and Tiller is also not extremely sensitive, you just have to learn. Not all companies in the roles is beschrnkt on the captain and smaller machines, especially some business jets, have no Tiller. There is normally controlled styrospray via the pedals and brakes. The Citation XL, I flew sooner, has no Tiller. styrospray The Falcon 2000EX has but one. The controls are quite precise and after a few rolling downs you have the hang of it. Of course it is a small plane quite different from heavy and long long-haul Suggest a 747 or A380 - where the cameras are in the tail and undercarriage of immense help. Real easy to search for one reference point on the disc and then it fits already. In my Falcon styrospray I have to imagine just that the center line goes through my right leg, it fits quite well. __________________ Without deviation from the norm, progress is not Possible. Frank Zappa Gruss Andreas | VATSIM Supervisor
The Tiller I am with Jan P. Sim. Rumgetaxelt times a gefhlte eternity in EDDF. I think the taxes are not difficult, but it is the accurate observance of the reference point. When I look at as is indeed the flyer in my opinion almost to the centimeter centered styrospray on the midline. I think I have to sometimes go into a government machine and the real try. __________________ Klaus Basan D [A | C | E] MBA | VatGM - Our flights on Google Map
However, this is at the gate and there you will either be sent by a human or follow the indications of the parking styrospray system, which is also pretty accurate. __________________ Without deviation from the norm, progress is not Possible. Frank Zappa Gruss Andreas | VATSIM Supervisor
Actually rolled out of the real pilot with the so-called steering tiller. The "steering wheel" that you can find on the left side, directly controls the nose wheel. This can turn almost at one point the aircraft. It is extremely styrospray sensitive and thus also difficult to use. So heavy that only the captain may roll. Who else? The tiller can be found at Boeing styrospray only on the left steering. At Airbus also the F / O has a steering tiller. The define the reference point is a good idea. Also in Real you should set a reference point. The A380 has determined for its Fahrwerklnge of ~ 24m a nose wheel camera. Gre Brief Info The B737 can be rolled from the right. Transavia has zb This option ordered Boeing. (We once had 3 machines from those in the lease) styrospray Just like Landing Weight-limit you can almost all

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