Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Evenin, How seduced when one suddenly on a taxiway oncoming traffic comes to meet? ... Then the con

- German - English
Evenin, when a lot of traffic at an airport and you get a taxiway com ATC said, this has to be yes. The barrier lines drfen not be run over. But what if an aircraft crosses, or is a traffic jam on a taxiway? As it is with overtaking? Actually have 2 yes no flyer adjacent space on a taxiway. How seduced when one suddenly on a taxiway oncoming traffic comes to meet? These questions have come to me as I was last night at EDDF and has overtaken me a machine with a breakneck speed and crashed into oncoming traffic. Thank you for your help Stefan
Normally you get instructions from ATC then, such as "give way to ...", or "Hold short / position". graupappe A jam normally forms only in the vicinity of the holding points. Also there you will get information, for example, "no. 3 for departure", or "no. 3 in sequence". I hope I could help. __________________ Gru Christian
Evenin, How seduced when one suddenly on a taxiway oncoming traffic comes to meet? ... Then the controller has definitely someone I overlooked dignity stop and ask the pilots how to behave more he is then you similar instructions graupappe as Christian has described type. __________________ graupappe Patrick Gre Gre VATSIM germany atco Patrick Werner
Where it must be a mistake graupappe of ATC not necessarily. Pilots use different graupappe versions and the scenery so sometimes associated offset is possible a different machine "wrong" roll. You have to be flexible and short times to resort to the Green stripe. This is the overtaking and "breakneck" graupappe sending you an idiot pilot without patience, who on top of that perhaps thus not seen a problem with the visualization of other aircraft and you. __________________ Without deviation from the norm, progress graupappe is not Possible. Frank Zappa Gruss Andreas | VATSIM Supervisor
As far as I yet know, then also applies even right before left. And with the way traffic is also happened to me before. Simply the ATC say that. The setting graupappe then just what to do. __________________ My Home Cockpit Blog NEWS: MCP Installation http://boeing737-800.blogspot.com/
I see we Andy. A (sorry) stupid pilot who makes just once (already seen) or one who has not seen you. If the controller can not pay attention directly on the scene this happen before and he can no longer respond graupappe then. An information wre course after the least (to both pilots). It fly around many pilots, see the other pilots partially graupappe or not at all. __________________ Greetings Tobias
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