Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Christo: The team of the journal

Ege: "The demonstration foam rubber was sweaty work, which is now finished." Christ: "We are over the conclusion much easier." Ege: (approving nod) Kilian: "During the demo we had to organize a lot to continually make agreements , we have worked consistently, etc .. All this has been brought to a conclusion. " foam rubber
Ege: "After work our forces are fully depleted." Kilian: "But no, let's look back!" Christo: "It was a very nice impressive event, the us goose bumps has prepared. 7000 people marched during foam rubber the demo on the street. Madness !! "Ege:" foam rubber Now our forces are exhausted. We have no energy to go on. Is this me ?! "Kilian:" No! We can still
Ege: "But as for" Kilian: "The more people who support us, the more energy we have received. Who were these people who have given us new strength? "Christo:" A lot of power gave us as associations. As would be the German Association of the Deaf, which has granted us permission that we perform the demonstration on their own. Because foam rubber where support was necessary, the German Association of the Deaf has also granted it. We are grateful for the numerous assistance "Ege:" Oh yes, this includes the German society (the hearing impaired - self-help and professional associations eV.) "Kilian"! Even the hard of hearing covenant ... SUPER "Christ:" And we may die! Do not forget people who had in the implementation of demonstration experience. Who are these people? "Ege:" That was the "advisory team"! ? Stimmt's foam rubber "Christo and Kilian Kilian foam rubber approving nod:" Without foam rubber the advisory team, we would have been in a fix, because we had little experience. The advisory foam rubber team has supported us with many tips in the implementation of the demonstration "Christo". The advisory team has done a lot of phone calls for us, organized and beyond much more eg trucks "Ege". Of importance foam rubber is the press team, that has contributed to public relations and has continuously informed the public. Every single employee we would hereby like to express our gratitude. "
Kilian: foam rubber Our media team has put all information on the website, but other websites have published our information further characterized was a Mulitplikatoreneffekt available. The information foam rubber could be characterized as widespread, such as in, and other sites, such as private websites, as well as at have been reported on our activities. Everyone worked for everyone, foam rubber a global strong network
Christo: The team of the journal "The sign" we want to thank - without whose support our activities would be determined not become so well known. T-Shirts - Posters - sites without these people, without the team of "The Sign", without the designers from the banner of the demonstration we had a "nothing". Ege: During the demonstration, the communication with the listening audience would be difficult. Who has helped us? The interpreters! Thank you! Kilian: Coordinating the demonstration we had - never managed a small team. So very many folders available to us. She supervised by our arrangements all the time the march, so everything went his orderly, everything went beautifully and smoothly from. Even the police foam rubber was away very impressed and thought it was the best organized demonstration. We thank the crew of the folder - there were over 100 people total! foam rubber Christo: foam rubber Thank you! All this support from all of you has given us a lot of strength. Ege: We got a lot of strength and support - but as it began thus continued with the spread and appeals? By KoFo (Communication Forum) throughout Germany, where we could keep our lectures, our vision has been announced. So we thank those people who have organized the Kofos!
Christo: "We thank the people who are highly motivated and tirelessly collected 170,000 signatures ...." Ege "WOW" foam rubber Kilian: appreciative nod Christ: "Thank you!" Ege: "We foam rubber have already expressed our gratitude to some. But we also think of the people who provided assistance and support in the background. We would also like to thank for every single "Kilian, Ege, Christo". A thousand foam rubber thanks to all "!
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