Thursday, November 20, 2014

Definitely is rolled on the ground luftpolsterumschlag by hand, mostly from the left armchair. Dima

- German - English
Hi, probably luftpolsterumschlag once a very simple question! Who rolls prop. The aircraft on the runway? Does it make the autopilot or creates its pilots but also by hand, that the aircraft always rolls amazingly accurate on the line? Thanks in advance for your answer, mfg Hans!
So I'm not a RL pilot've luftpolsterumschlag never been in Flusi rare until the problem had the airplane taxiing at slow speed of 10-20 kt to hold the line. At least as long as the line was visible at night who yes sometimes disappearing habit, moreover, when the light in the room is much brighter because of the charts ...
So I'm not a RL pilot but I sa while taxiing aircraft already in Greren aufem Co Pilot seat (in internship) and since the pilot (or engineer) has always rolled without AP. I also believe that the autopilot can not roll off the line. __________________
Yikes ... another question; Why should it roll to the bottom of the AP ??? Imagine ... you are in Frankfurt and get the statement "Txy HP Rwy25R via M1, M, A, D-West" ... I personally do not know any autopilot that can * g * But I think that the question was not meant so ... Nene .. So autopilot is purely intended for use in the air. And the "always" rolls the pilot on the line, is because 1. He has been doing this for many years and it has just tender -> Practice makes perfect second most Greren machines a camera behind the have Nosewheel and therefore he can very easily stay on the line. On the subject of "Who rolls on the ground" to which I'd say "Who shall roll on the ground" ... That was what i picked up, on the ground that eigtl. ALWAYS the Captain rolls (for insurance reasons,) ... hope this is correct. (Of course, can also roll the CO times ... but that is identified under which) __________________ luftpolsterumschlag Gru Grill Master Flo Is the Mve wie'n flat plate, the Boeing was once again quickly! Langen luftpolsterumschlag FIR ATC + Head of VSOT (VATGER summer festival organization team)
Hello, I was on an A319 and a B737 JS, both the Captain is male rolled. In both Airbus pilots have a kind of steering wheel which they can turn the wheel in the Boeing has only the Captain the steering wheel. Both, however, can also roll with rudder pedals, so the Captain. Only with this Rdchen the wheel allowed to refuse stronger, so that the rudder pedals are actually used only during takeoff / landing. Love Gre, Dima __________________> ProTeam
Hello, I'm also not a RL pilot - the steering of the nose wheel are usually with a separate steering wheel, the Tiller ausgefhrt (unfortunately just saw a picture there.) - Ie is not at all coupled with the autopilot
Hi there, so me at least AP no system is known which also controls the nose wheel. Normally the car Paul to cross only on the side (YAW), transverse and Hhenruder and the trim. However, these institutions have no control sprbaren aerodynamic effect at low speeds and therefore can not be used for the control on the ground. hnliches also applies to the autothrottle, which gets its information from the Airspeed nmlich, and the displays of airspeed at low speeds is not recyclable. So only helps look out the window, adjust the direction and speed by hand. Taking it to FS9 to my knowledge there for a Taxigauge for installation at AVSIM. This is perhaps knnte some freeware planes easier. Since the good payware Aviator usually have their own controls, it is then there also little help. So my recommendation: ben .... __________________ Horst Klement hopes to make the deeds of the memories ....
Definitely is rolled on the ground luftpolsterumschlag by hand, mostly from the left armchair. Dima and Volker've got the Tiller erwhnt luftpolsterumschlag ( - it is the "lever" on the far left in the middle of the picture) and is often left available. For small Rasenmhern is directed exclusively via differential braking. There is no AP that can "roll" the line by itself. The technical requirements are DAFR yes currently discussed luftpolsterumschlag again and again, in the context of the next CATIIIc conditions for Autoland. An automatic landing using ILS and anschlieendes rollout for the AP are not a problem that is theoretically even with really zero visibility - only from the car to the gate, you can not just. You now knnte fat cable laid in the line, which then follows the AP and the taxi route to be armed as a switchboard for, but since the hosts are currently on tfteln - and sometime's will probably be the extent , __________________ Maximilian tombs pilot and controller of Mu

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